Minggu nie aku gi tngk citer ANTOO FIGHTER arahan Azizi 'Chunk' Adnan dgn mohd raffi..hehe
movie nie gempak sngat2..jalan cerita nye tak bosan..setiap scene ader maksud dan bersangkut paut dgn scene seterus nye..setiap slot ader elemen kelakar, takut dan sedih menjadi satu..sampai dlm wayang kiter xtau nak nangis ke, ketawa ke or tutup mata..sbb time kiter nk nanges ader org yang ketawa..
Pelakon nye semua bawak watak diaorg dgn baik walaupun kadang2 ader juge scene lawak bodoh tapi masih lagi boleh diterima sbg lawak pandai...
Movie nie ala ala Ghostbusters..menangkap hantu dgn cara moden menggunakan teknologi tinggi..
Tapi..bila time antoo fighter gadoh2 dgn musuh2...jalan cerita xbrape nak real..n memang nampak kelemahan teknologi pembikinan filem di Malaysia.
All in all....movie nie worth to watch..aku saran kan semua member aku gi tngok movie nie...
by ???
Imagine being able to catch ghosts and stuff them into a bottle - sound familiar?The Malaysian film industry is already dabbling with some higher end CGI products and new special effects. "Antoo Fighter" is one of those movies, which is supposed to lift the industry to the next level by having those elements. This film has two components - horror and comedy. However, neither was done very well.It's easy to think that "Antoo Fighter" would be a great, especially in the beginning. For the first phase of the movie, the plot was funny and you will get some chuckles and giggles. But as the time goes by, the jokes become boring and sometimes stupid. There are also a few scenes that make me feel like I'm watching somebody playing Street Fighter on the PS2 at home. Maybe, that's what the story is all about and that's what they're going for - or maybe it's just me who didn't get it.
Radhi OAG who plays the Poh Jee role, looks like he's putting in too much effort and overdid it a little, while Harun Salim Bachik as Pak Din is decent. Drakulat Van Listerooy (Awie) however, can be given the credit for his performance as a notorious 'antoo'. The other 'antoos' called The Council Of Zion are just not worth seeing although they do have cool make-up and costumes.
I must say that watching this "Antoo Fighter" is like watching a Malaysian version of "Ghostbusters" with inferior CGI of course. Yet, we can still praise the director, Azizi 'Chunk' Adnan, for his endeavours in making his dreams into reality. Well, throughout the duration of the film, at least.
by deennasour
Kalau korang pernah atau suka baca gila-gila, so ini kira bayangan majalah lawak gila-gila siri wayang lah plak!! akaka. nape aku kata camtu? sbb pengarah dia Azizi Chunk suka baca majalah tu. tapi aku tak kata filem ni tiru watak gila2…tapi lawak dia setanding la dgn apa dalam majalah tu. ada kala kuar lawak masuk akal. ada kala kuar lawak ala2 spontan. ada kala kuar lawak bodoh gila….tapi yg pasti…filem ini telah membuatkan perut ku sakit gelak guling2 byk kali tidak seperti aku menonton senario episod 1.
awal gile aku tgk filem ini sedangkan blom kuar wayang? kerna aku menghadiri tayangan perdana filem ini, thanks to Ajami sebab jemput dan thanks to organizer sbb kasik aku masuk…mwahahaha. dan utk menjeleskan korang, aku juga dapat beg ala2 beg dak sekolah pg mengaji Quran atau fardu-ain ada gambar logo antoo fighter. dan satu lagi yg korang perlu jeles ialah, orang yang duduk sebelah aku dan temankan aku gelak guling2 ialah Radhi OAG iaitu hero filem ni..akaka..
aku ingat lagi apa yang radhi kata kat aku “bukan salu orang sarawak jadi hero filem”……..dan kami dua teruslah speaking sarawak sambil tgk wayang..aku akan buat sedikit review semudah A.B.C tanpa mengunakan istilah2 yang meruncingkan mata hitam korang utk baca dan paham sambil merapatkan mata ke monitor pc. *itu akan merosakkan mata.jadik aku gunakan bahasa mudah mereviewnya..*mmg bahasa aku mudah pun kan?
citer nih pasal sekumpulan HERO yg dikenali sbg Antoo Fighter yang wujud bagi menghapuskan jembalang2 yang menggangu planet bumi kononnya. ehem. Misi jembalang ni nak carik gadis suci bagi menghidupkan bos besar diorang. tapi hero antoo fighter telah menghalang jembalang nih, so berlaku lah adegan berlawan yang semudah A.B.C. duh…..
Effect, CGI
aku agak terkesima lah sikit bila tgk babak Awie bersayap kat belakang sewaktu intro cerita, sebab nampak lah real.yang lain? boleh lah…..boleh lah nak dibanggakan..tapi tak lah setaraf star wars!!!!!!
tapi sebenarnya aku menjunjung harapan yang agak tinggi lak kat cgi filem ni, dan apabila tamat filem ini, aku hanya mampu ingat lawaknya saja, tidak CGI. paham2 je lah…*jgn marah, aku tau CGI tu susah nak buat..
Hero-Hero antoo fighter
erm, Radhi OAG sebagai HERO. oklah, walaupun umur radhi tu dah berapa nak muda..hehe. tapi sebab perangai dia gile gile tu yg dipilih tu.
tapi watak-watak HERO antoo fighter tu mmg perwatakannya jelas, sorang tu pondan, sorang lak tomboy…tapi itu biasa sangat loooo..tak ada perwatakannya lain ke? and, lakonan diorang amatlah tidak dijiwai dgn bersungguh2….
melainkan watak2 Antoo-antoo jembalang yang best. paling menyerlah watak awie, and sofii jikan…
wahhhh jalan2 tengok movie ;P
mesti syiokkk
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