*Coca Cola, Huggies, River Island, Mc Donalds, Clinique, Disney, Dona Karan, Starbucks, Gap, Garnier, Perrier, Kotex, Sanex, Jo Malone, Lancome, Libbys, Tchibo, Loreal, Marks & Spencer, Kleenex, Maybelline, Nestle, Vittel, Revlon. That’s a list of brands found out to DONATE MONEY TO ISRAEL ARMY, we need to STOP BUYING them. It may seem like a small thing to do but it’s a start.
*News from LONDON: DEAR ALL, please act immediately! STARBUCKS & MCDONALDS in the UK are going to give all their profits to the ISRAELIS until next saturday. Spread the news! BOYCOTT STARBUCKS & MCDONALDS WORLDWIDE
*News from LONDON: DEAR ALL, please act immediately! STARBUCKS & MCDONALDS in the UK are going to give all their profits to the ISRAELIS until next saturday. Spread the news! BOYCOTT STARBUCKS & MCDONALDS WORLDWIDE
kak aten!
belum sampai sehari sy dah rindu.
mcm mana ni?
adek alia.
akak pon rndu gak.
tgok r gambar akak ek.
ckp kat mummy ngn daddy akak blik isnin..flight posspone..snow tebal sngt..
salam syg buat semua..
akak tipu.kata nak balik ahad.
adik tanak amik akak kat airport nnt.
pandai2 lah kaw balik naik taxi.
hmm..akak bwk balik coklah DAIM satu beg kat adek..
okokok..xpe..akak suruh 'abg adam' amek kak..adek jgn jelous...
=.=" mak aihhh x bole bla
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