To tag along: you have to list 7 weird things about yourself,post it in your blog,tag at least 7 people (list their names),and comment on their blog to let them know that you just tagged them
7 weird things about me.
1.I love to talk with myself...kadang2 boleh senyum sendiri..huhuhu creepy x?
2.I hate tauge!!!! xmkn tauge la...kate alia..
3.Have my own style wearing tali pinggang keledar..
4.Have problem in pronouse word...huhuhu
5.Easily having crush....
6.Cemburu buta..
7.Suke brangan...n always iya kan je ape people said...walaupun xdgr...hehehe
i tag:
sape ek...xder kawan pon..hehehe
sape2 je lah ek..bye bye...
7 weird things about me.
1.I love to talk with myself...kadang2 boleh senyum sendiri..huhuhu creepy x?
2.I hate tauge!!!! xmkn tauge la...kate alia..
3.Have my own style wearing tali pinggang keledar..
4.Have problem in pronouse word...huhuhu
5.Easily having crush....
6.Cemburu buta..
7.Suke brangan...n always iya kan je ape people said...walaupun xdgr...hehehe
i tag:
sape ek...xder kawan pon..hehehe
sape2 je lah ek..bye bye...
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